That's today. It just feels rough. I try to remind myself that THAT feeling doesn't come from God. He doesn't give me stress and worry, he gives Peace. My worry is my lack of trust in His plan... that's a 'me problem' and something I will FOREVER have to pray about and work on. Faith...ya'll, it's so real. Give me MORE Lord, let me feel your presence today. Cover me in peace and remind me that you are with me. That your plan was written SO SO long ago, I can trust in YOU to get it right. It's not on me to put the pieces together, take away my stress and let me rest in you. SO. HARD. It's the day to day hardness of trying to juggle two children, keep my house clean, take care of myself, stay in my devotion, work part time, trying to be a better friend, trying to love well while feeling as though I may blow a gasket... like my head might REALLY just fly off my shoulders... finances, baby needs and the nesting that comes with it, maki...