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Showing posts from March, 2020


PEP TALK! You didn’t sign up to be a homeschool mom... me neither. Nonetheless one that schooled from homes and couldn’t take them anywhere... to see anyone... to any playground, bounce house, museum, library. They can’t see their friends, or their grandparents. It’s hard. Here is the silver lining: life has been so busy. Everyone is running from one thing to the next, constantly. Sometimes you don’t even get that one on one time to truly bond with your kids b/c you’re so focused on getting to your appointment on time. Things are closed, how will you entertain them? For me, God has slapped me in the face to say.. YOU DONT NEED TO ENTERTAIN THEM!!! LOVE THEM. TEACH THEM. SNUGGLE THEM. They are MY gift to you. This has been such a sweet reminder that we are enough. I love having everyone under one roof. We’re cooking together. We’re doing chores together. We’re going on runs and hikes and i’m teaching them to run! (Like distances). We’re learning, not just schoolwork, but life...