It feels like so many people have "felt sorry" for us... they have "felt" for us... pitied us even. It legit confuses me. I get that we were dealt something super unexpected, but to be completely honest with you, I think I always knew. I always feared that I couldn't do it.. and I AM... we're doin' it and it is not life taking.... it is so life giving. Yes, we have a child who was born with a physical difference... some would say a physical disadvantage. Is that different than my disadvantages internally? My heart is ugly at times... I judge, I anger so quickly, my patience is like... ugh. Can I run? Yeah. Can I be kind to my children? Not always. Do I "hate" that woman who is perfectly skinny in her beautiful range rover with freshly ombre'd hair in her lulu lemon tights and long puff Patagonia stumbling in from yoga class to pick up her child? Sometimes. That's envy. That's coveting.... you know those sweet little ten comm...