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Showing posts from November, 2021


 What makes you tick... gets your heart pumping... brain bouncing in every direction? Is it a thing? A feeling? A creation? Someone?  Passion breeds life. And why is it that once I bred life I suddenly forgot about the things that make my heart dance?  I am a mom, but I am not only a mom and sometimes I need a reminder that passion is what makes me who I am. It drives this ship and keeps my brain functioning and my heart happy. Passion.. the lusting love of something. Being creative, socializing, thinking outside of the box, music, art, nature, they make my heart lustful.  For too long I have forgotten to fuel my passions and now... I feel awake. Not the drowsy, I need a coffee, kind of awakening... the excited, full speed ahead, whoa my soul is alive kind of awakening. My senses are happy, my insides are calm, and for the first time in a long time, I'm content... happy.  I have spent time harboring anger, resentment even. My story is no more difficult than my n...