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Showing posts from January, 2019

the Story.

As I sit in this hospital room listening to the clicking of the IV fluids and a sweet little teeny tiny baby snore, I endulge myself with a 16oz mocha and a chocolate chip muffin and think two things: Dollie is the toughest person I have ever met and this shiz has  been hard. Yesterday at 8:00 am central time Dahlia underwent a 4 hour surgery to repair her grade 4 hydronephrosis of her left kidney and to release both of her Achilles’ tendons in her tiny baby feet. At 20 weeks pregnant I went in to Dr. Brody’s office for what I thought was a typical ultrasound. It was me and Brooks and it turned out it was my 20 week anatomy scan. As Robin scanned me she noticed that the baby’s left kidney was dilated but assured me that it sometimes happens and not to freak out. She continued to scan that baby and as she got to the brain she grew more quiet than normal. At that time Dr. Brody popped in and looked at the screen and I could see with the exchange of looks that something was wron...