You are dirty. You are mean. You prey on small children. You create worry. Doubt. Stress. Tears. You disable. You feed prejudism and bullying. You make me blind to good, forgetful of His promises. You create a need to isolate. For all of these things, I more than hate you, I loathe you. Today Dollie Mae is 3 months old and instead of spending her day picking out her cutest bow and throwing her 3 month sticker on her chest, she is getting an IV. Instead of talking about her milestones, i’m kissing away her tears and singing trying to soothe her terrified little self. Instead of napping in a baby carrier on my chest where she smells me and hears my heart, she’s asleep on a Nuclear Medicine table where they’re testing her kidneys.... to see if they work properly. To rule out another surgery. She is my hero. Spina Bifida my enemy. She will beat you down. I will help her. #NationalSpinaBifidaAwarenessMonth how it REALLY makes you feel.